[LE BLANC, Theodore. Croquis d' après nature faits pendat trois ans de sejour en Grèce et dans le Levant, Paris, Gihaut, 1833-4].
The French painter and officer Théodore Leblanc (1800? - 1837) stayed in Greece and the Levant for approximately three years, possibly from 1828 to 1831. Although he coincided in place and time with the French Scientific Expedition (1829-1830), his activity was independent to that of the mission. Leblanc drew from nature; his works are marked by caricaturesque elements but convey intense emotion. His paintings are extremely rare; apart from portraits they include scenes from the Greek War of Independence and snapshots from everyday life in the places he visited.
Written by Ioli Vingopoulou
Subjects (21)
Ottoman soldier wearing the uniform established after the reforms of the early 19th century.
“Palikaria”, members of irregular troops of Roumeli, Greece.
“Palikari”, member of irregular troops of the Peloponnese, with his clan.
A captain (general) of the army of Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt, during the Cretan campaign.
“Palikaria” and heads of irregular troops at the temple of Apollo in Ancient Corinth.