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The city port is mapped in the travel chronicle by English consul Al. Drummond(1754), who lived in Cyprus fron many years, and in the port index by J. Roux (1804). H. Light (1818) gives a characteristic view of the salt mines, while Ed.D. Clarke (1814) published antiquities, inscriptions and coins from the region in his chronicle, rich in information on all the places he visited.

Limassol (Lemesos) is situated between two ancient cities and was also a stoppover for pilgrims to the Holy Land. Remarkable engravings with its antiquities are included in the works by Al. Drummond (1754) and L. Mayer (1803). In the nineteen century, T. J. Ellis (1879) depicted the ports of the island as well as monuments, other sights and activities of the locals in his unique style, at the time when Cyprus had just come under British control. The material included in the travel account of E.F. Deschamps (1898) is especially interesting, as it gives a vivid image of space, monuments and people in the early years of British rule.

Written by Ioli Vingopoulou