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Tenedos / Bozcaada

The first geographic treatise to include Tenedos, as well as the other Greek islands, is “Liber Insularum Archipelagi”, a pioneering chartographic manuscript of the early 15h century. The work served as a model to later isolaria such as those by B. dalli Sonetti (1485) and Β. Bordone (1547). Sonetti couples his maps with sonnets while Bordone notes information on the climate and the history of the island and other data on his idiosyncratic maps. Like all similar works, the isolario of Antonio Millo (1582-91) is enriched by engravings already published in contemporary editions. Antonio marks perillous waters on the maps of his isolaria, and uses the place names found in contemporary portolani.

J. Maurand's travel chronicle (1544) includes a rare drawing of Tenedos done by hand. Towards the end of the 16th century the island appears in the isolario by G. Rosaccio (1598), which was inspired by an earlier similar work. Later travel chronicles such as the one by H. Beauvau (1615), also borrow subjects from Rosaccio's book. In Μ. Boschini’s edition, small beautiful sample of Venetian engraving of the mid-17th century, the maps of Tenedos and other islands are accompanied by an explanatory text with historical and geographical information. The isolario of Fr. Piacenza (1688) includes superbly engraved maps and a wealth of material on the Aegean islands, Cyprus and the Peloponnese.

A map and a table of ancient coins of Tenedos are included in Ol. Dapper’s edition (1688), a work distinguished for its highly elaborate engravings, which was based mainly on ancient Greek and Latin sources, portolani, isolaria, contemporary travel accounts  and authoritative maps. The editions by J. Peeters in the late 17th century (1690) exalt the victories of the Holy League in the Ottoman-Venetian wars. The plates show cities, ports and other locations in Austria, southeastern Europe, the eastern Mediterranean and places in Asia all the way to India. The edition includes a map of the island.

J. Seller was the creator of the first detailed mapping of the Mediterranean coast, titled “English Pilot...” . First published in the 17th century, it was repeatedly reissued and continued to be used down to the 19th century (here in the 1771 edition). Seller's works established the use of the English language in maritime charts and greatly influenced later cartographic editions. It includes maps of the local shores.

The depiction of the city and castle is done in a different style in the work of B. Randolph (1687) and later on in the edition by J. Pitton de Tournefort, pioneering explorer of the Aegean islands (1717).

In the 19th century Tenedos appears in maps of the area, or is outlined against the horizon in many drawings and engravings of Troy and the Troad [W. Gell (1804), Ch.C.Frankland (1829), Et. Rey (1867)]. Impressive views of the castle and town are found in the monumental work by  M.G.F.A. Choiseul-Gouffier (who expressed whe philhellenism and love for antiquity of his time in a new and original fashion, establishing the primacy of image over text in travel chronicles (late18th-early 19th century)), and in the exquisite work by Ig. Melling (1819) which highlights the fortress and several picturesque details of the port.

The Album of 1984 includes rare and very interesting wood engravings taken from the  pioneering weekly review  “The Illustrated London News” (1842-1885) and the similarly themed magazine “The Graphic” (1869-1885). The plates depict locations, people and events (political, social and military), from 1842 to 1885.

Written by Ioli Vingopoulou