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Tombs of the Kings (Jerusalem) (6 Subjects)

The monuments called Tombs of the Kings in Kidron Valley, Jerusalem.


Map of Caesarea Maritima. (B) Mount Tabor. (Ι) The funerary monuments known as "Tombs of the Kings" in Jerusalem. Tomb of Josaphat in Kidron  Valley in Jerusalem.


Jaffa Gate in Jerusalem. The Tombs of the Kings in Jerusalem.


A sarcophagus from the Tombs of the Kings complex outside Jerusalem.


36. Panoramic view of Jerusalem. 37. The tombs of Josaphat, Absalon and Zechariah at Kidron Valley, Jerusalem. 38. Remains of monumental building on the Mount of Olives where, according to tradition, Jesus prayed before his arrest. View of the Tombs of the Kings outside Jerusalem. The tomb of Absalom at Kidron Valley. The castle of Yaffa.


Entrance to the tombs of the Kings at Jerusalem.
