Islands of the Argo-saronic gulf (146 Subjects)
Temple of Aphaia, Aegina island: Architectural features and reconstruction of column parts.
Temple of Aphaia, Aegina island. Reconstruction of the corner of the entablature with details of the mutules, horizontal geison and raking cornice, pediment and acroterion. On the left, section of the entablature at the corner. Ceiling plan of the guttae. Decorative feature of the geison. Ceiling plan of column.
Temple of Aphaia, Aegina island: Palmette antefixes and other architectural features. Inscription.
Temple of Aphaia, Aegina island: Elevation of the temple façade (eastern side), reconstructed.
Temple of Aphaia, Aegina island: 1. Reconstruction of part of the southern side of the temple (from the pronaos to the cella). 2. Section of the crepidoma at the southern part of the temple (from the pronaos to the cella). 3. Reconstruction and architectural features of the roof, showing the joints for the antefixes.
Temple of Aphaia, Aegina island: Elevation of the pronaos (reconstructed).
Reconstruction of the pediments of the temple of Aphaia on Aegina island: 1. Western pediment: scene from the Trojan War. 2. Eastern pediment: Heracles against Laomedon, king of Troy.
Western pediment of the temple of Aphaia, Aegina island. 1. Telamon 2. Laomedon.
Western pediment of the temple of Aphaia, Aegina island. 1, 2: Heracles.
Western pediment of the temple of Aphaia, Aegina island. 1, 2: Warriors.
Temple of Aphaia, Aegina island: Pediment fragments. 1. The head of goddess Athena from the western pediment.
Temple of Aphaia, Aegina island: Pediment fragments.
Temple of Aphaia, Aegina island: Fragments of the pediments. 3, 4: Acroterion.
Temple of Aphaia, Aegina island. 1. Trojan warrior. 2. Aeneas.
Eastern pediment of the temple of Aphaia, Aegina island. 1. Teucrus. 2. Achilles.
Eastern pediment of the temple of Aphaia, Aegina island. 1. Goddess Athena. 2. Patroclus.
Eastern pediment of the temple of Aphaia, Aegina island. 1. Hector. 2. Pares.
Eastern pediment of the temple of Aphaia, Aegina island. 1. Telamon. 2. Greek warrior.
Eastern pediment of the temple of Aphaia, Aegina island: Palmette antefix and sculptures of the Horae Auxo and Carpo.
Temple of Aphaia, Aegina island, 1861.
H.M.S. "Osborne" passing Aegina. On the hilltop on the right, the temple of Aphaia.
HMS “Osborne”'s barge bearing Alexandra Princes of Wales to Aegina island.
Temple of Aphaia, Aegina island.
Temple of Apollo at Kolona, Aegina.
The temple of Aphaia on Aegina. 4 October 1810.
View of Piraeus. In the background, Salamis island. 22 January 1811.