BOETTICHER, Adolf. Die Akropolis von Athen nach den Berichten der Alten und den neusten Erforschungen. Mit 132 Textfiguren und 36 Tafeln, Berlin, Julius Springer, 1888.
Adolf Boetticher (1842-1901), architect, art critic and archaeologist, was born in Blumberg (Barnim) and studied in Berlin. From 1875 to 1877 he directed archaeological excavations in Greece. During his career, he was editor of the periodical "Wochenblatt für Architekten und Ingenieure" and head of the Registry of Historical Buildings and Art Monuments of East Prussia. In 1891 he was promoted to State Keeper and in continuation was appointed Conservator of Monuments for the province. His oeuvre includes an eight-volume digest on the buildings and monuments of East Prussia, published between 1892 and 1898.Boetticher arrived in Athens in the summer of 1862, together with architects G.C. Gropius and Styrsck from Berlin, T. Hansen from Vienna, as well the archaeologist Fischer, the philologist Schrubring and Professor E. Curtius.
The present work, a historical-archaeological study of the Acropolis of Athens, is illustrated by one hundred and thirty-two in-text drawings and thirty-six plates. As Boetticher states in his introduction, he aimed to offer a comprehensible overview of the monument, addressed both to the scientific community and the general reading public. The images are accompanied by texts on the history of the Acropolis into Roman times, written by Κ. Βoetticher, E. Curtius, A. Michaelis, V. Koehler, E. Waschsmuth, R. Bohn, L. Julius, W. Dörpfeld, A. Trendelenburg, L. von Sybel, A. Milchhöer and others. In his treatise, Boetticher claims that the "entasis" (swelling) of the Parthenon's columns was due to the subsidence of the Piraeus stone of the foundations! He was author of a similar work on ancient Olympia, as well as of an itinerary to the Peloponnese, Aegina and Eleusis.
Written by Ioli Vingopoulou
Subjects (82)
Plan of the Peisistratid Temple of Athena and of the Erechtheion.
The pediment of the archaic temple. Heracles killing the Lernaean Hydra.
The back of archaic Kore from the Acropolis Museum (Acr. 675).
Reconstruction of the front of the Peisistratid Temple of Athena.
Metope from the eastern pediment of the Parthenon, depicting the Centauromachy.
Metope from the eastern pediment of the Parthenon, depicting the Centauromachy.
Metope from the eastern pediment of the Parthenon, depicting the Centauromachy.
Metope from the eastern pediment of the Parthenon, depicting the Centauromachy.
Metope from the eastern pediment of the Parthenon, depicting the Centauromachy.
Metope from the eastern pediment of the Parthenon, depicting the Centauromachy.
Demetra and Kore (Persephone) from the eastern pediment of the Parthenon.
Dione and Aphrodite from the eastern pediment of the Parthenon.
Horse head from the chariot of Selene, from the eastern pediment of the Parthenon.
Cephissus sculpture from the eastern pediment of the Parthenon.
Block from the Parthenon frieze. Preparation for Panathenaea procession.
Agrippa's monument. The ascent to the Propylaea. The Temple of Athena Nike.
Plan of the sanctuary of Asclepius at the feet of the Acropolis.
Diphrophoroi. The wife of Archon basileus. Archon basileus. Adolescent girl.
Block from the eastern Parthenon frieze. Hephaestus and Athena.
Block from the Parthenon frieze. Venerable men (Thallophoroi) carrying olive branches.
Block from the Parthenon frieze. Athenian officials. Athenian women.
Block from the Parthenon frieze. Sacrificial animals. Horsemen.
Block from the western Parthenon frieze. Preparation for Panathenaea procession.
Nike Sandalizousa (Sandalbinder) from the balustrade of the Athena Nike temple.