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FORTIS, Alberto. Die Sitten der Morlacken, aus dem Italiänischen übersetzt, Bern, bey der typographischen Gesellschaft, 1775.

The Italian naturalist, geologist, cartographer and poet Alberto Fortis (1741-1803) studied theology, but his main interest was always in natural sciences. At the beginning of his career he lived in Venice, where he worked as a journalist.

From 1765 to 1791 Fortis travelled around Italy and Europe, and above all in Dalmatia, pursuing his interests in geology, archaeology and anthropology.

His work on Dalmatia, fruit of those travels, was translated into several languages. It includes several observations on natural environment, art, economics, geography and natural history as well as the customs and traditions of the inhabitants. It made Dalmatia and its people known to Europe, in particular the inhabitants of the interior, called “Morlacchia” by the author. The edition has several engravings of views, local dress, ancient remains and other discoveries, as well as mineral stones.

Fortis also published geological studies and etched several maps. In 1795 he was elected member of the Royal Society of London.

Written by Ioli Vingopoulou

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