Athens is shown in imaginary representations or maps in the first geographical or travel works in the 15th century. From 1674-75 however, Athens abruptly becomes more present in European thought, as can be concluded by detailed maps of the city and other topographical data, and from an interchange of texts showing an ever-increasing interest in the city.
The bombardment of Athens during Morosini's siege of the Ottoman-held city, the delineation of the monuments by the travellers who introduced neoclassicism in Europe and the meticulous recording, measurement and study of antiquities led to the creation of a wealth of drawings and engravings.
From the mid-18th century onwards the antiquities of Athens attract a vivid interest. Visitors depict them at times accurately and systematically, at others naively, or just by copying earlier works. Gradually other archaeological sites all over Attica (Sounion, Eleusis, Marathon etc.) attract travellers and are represented in engravings.
In 1834 Athens becomes officially the capital of the newly-founded Greek State, seat of young Otto of Baviers, king of the Greeks. Thoroughly documented studies on Athenian monuments, albums with aesthetically pleasing engravings, water colours and photographs enriched the treasury of illustrations found in travel works.
1420 Buondelmonti, Cr.
1485 Sonetti, B. dalli
1493 Schedel, H.
1545 Gerbelius, N.
1547 Bordone, B.
1556 Thevet, An.
1648 De La Chapelle, G.
1660 Laurenberg, J.
1675 Guillet, A. G.
1678 Spon, J.
1682 Wheler, G.
1686 Enderlin, J.
1686 Sandrart, J. Von
1687 Sandrart, J.von
1687 Coronelli, V.M.
1688 Coronelli, V.M.
1689 Spon, J.
1690 Peeters, J.
1707 Fanelli, Fr.
1708 Coronelli, V.M.
1743 Perry, Ch.
1743 - 45 Pococke, R.
1751-52 Dalton, R.
1759 Sayer, R.
1761 Paciaudi, P.M.
1762 Stuart, J. / Revett, N.
1770 Le Roy, J.D.
1771 Seller, J.
1771 Bellin, J.N.
1776 Chandler, R.
1787 Stuart, J. / Revett, N.
1794 Stuart, J. / Revett, N.
1800 Album of 18 original drawings in sepia
1804 Roux, J.
1807 Bartholdy, J.L.S.
1808 Stuart, J. / Revett, N.
1812 Dodwell, Ed.
1813 Hobhouse, J.C. (Lord Broughton)
1813 - 14 Clarke, Ed.D.
1814 Haygarth, W.
1816 Stuart, J. / Revett, N.
1816 Clarke, Ed.D.
1817 Tweddell, J.
1818 Walpole, R.
1819 Dodwell, Ed.
1819 Dodwell, Ed. ("Views")
1820 Hughes, Th.S.
1820 Pomardi, S.
1820 Pomardi, S.
1820 Walpole, R.
1822 Choiseul-Gouffier, M.G.F.A. (comte de)
1822 Black W.
1823 Horner, J.J.
1824 Leake, W.M.
1824 Joly, A.-V.
1825 Dupré, L.
1825 Griechenland
1826 Stackelberg, O.M. von
1827 Deval, Ch.
1827 Inwood, H.W.
1828 Stackelberg, O.M. von
1829 Williams, H.W.
1829-32, 1833-35 Peytier, Eug.
1830 Stackelberg, O.M. von
1830 Bröndsted, P.Ol.
1830 Cockerell, Ch.
1830 Frommel, C.
1830 Friedel, Ad.
1831 Cousinéry, E.M.
1831 Stackelberg, O.M. von
1831, 1833, 1838 Blouet, G.A
1832 Friedel, Ad.
1832 Barthélemy, J.J.
1834 Stackelberg, O.M. von
1834 Dodwell, Ed.
1834 [Panoramic sketch...]
1835 Pouqueville, Fr.-Ch.-H.-L.
1835 Pouqueville, Fr.-Ch.-H.-L.
1836 Wordsworth, Chr.
1837 Hervé, Fr.
1837 Cochrane G.
1838 - 45 Skene, J.
1841 Stademann, A.F.
1841 Aldenhoven, F.
1841 Burr A. M.
1841 Wordsworth, Chr.
1842 Wright, G.N.
1842-1885 /1984 Album
1843 Du Moncel, Th.
1843 Allan, J.H.
1843 D’Aligny, C.F.T.C.
1848 Estourmel, J. d’(Comte)
1848 / 1984 Lear, Ed.
1849 Byron, George Gordon (Lord)
1850 Album zur Erinnerung an Athen
1854 Laborde, L.Em.S.J. de (Marquis)
1857 Chenavard, A.M.
1857 Godart-Faultier, V.
1866 Bedford Fr.
1867 Rey, Et.
1868 Beck H.
1869 Busch. M.
1881 Omont, H.A.
1881 Belle, H.
1882 Wordsworth, Chr.
1882 Farrer, R. R.
1887 Schweiger Lerchenfeld, A. Von
1887 / 2002 Falke, J. von
1888 Boetticher, Ad.
1890 Cabrol, El.
1890 Mahaffy, J.P.
1894 Baedeker, K.
1907 Van Den Brule, Al.
1919 Jeancard, P.
1919 Baud-Bovy, D. / Boissonnas, Fr.
1923 Reisinger, Er.
1925 Willoughby, Vera
1929 Perilla, Fr.
1932 Puaux, R.
Piraeus and Ports
Patieridis G. / Stamatis, Κ.
Written by Ioli Vingopoulou