Peloponnese, the near-island, is included in all printed isolaria. It was mapped in port and road indexes, and charted in some of the earliest reliable maps. Above all its southern ports, which were ruled by Venice for centuries and constituted important stoppovers on the journey from the Adriatic to the Aegean sea, were represented in illustrations from the 15th century onwards. The battles of the Ottoman-Venetian wars were depicted in several Venetian engravings, which also show topographic measurements, taken after the fortresses had been conquered.
Gradually, the archaeological explorations realized in sites with remains in plain sight provided the reading public with abundant graphic materials, such as views, plans and architectural features alongside with renderings of the enchanting landscape which surrounds these famous antiquities.
From the late 18th century, scenes from everyday life also enrich travel accounts, while the Greek Was of Independence also provides subjects of illustrations. The new capital of the Greek State was highlighted in general views and details, while local costume also found a place among the wealth of graphic material available on the Peloponnese.
1485 Sonetti, B. Dalli
1493 Schedel, H.
1502 Breydenbach, Ber. von
1513 Adelphus, J.A.M.
1545 Gerbelius, N.
1547 Bordone, B.
1574 Camocio, G.Fr.
1582-91 Antonio Millo
1598 Rosaccio, G.
1600 Bianco Noe
1615 Beauvau, H. De
1619 Cootwijck, J. Van
1620 Porcacchi, T.
1660 Laurenberg, J.
1664 Busbecq, O.Gh. de
1682 Wheler, G.
1686 Enderlin, J.
1686 Sandrart, J. Von
1686 Peeters, J.
1687 Coronelli, V.M.
1687 Sandrart, J.
1688 Piacenza, Fr.
1688 Dapper, Ol.
1688 Coronelli, V.M.
1689 Randolph, B.
1690 Peeters, J.
1708 Coronelli, V.M.
1708 Coronelli, V.M.
1761 Paciaudi, P.M.
1771 Seller, J.
1771 Bellin, J.N.
1776 Chandler, R.
1782 Choiseul-Gouffier, M.G.F.A. (comte de)
1794 Stuart, J. / Revett, N.
1794-96/1914 Morritt, J.B.S.
1800 Grasset de Saint Sauveur, An.
1800 Stephanopoli, Dimo & Nicolo
1803 Mayer, L.
1804 Roux, J.
1807 Bartholdy, J.L.S.
1807 Wilkins, W.
1808 Castellan, An.L.
1810 Gell, W.
1812 Dodwell, Ed.
1813 - 14 Clarke, Ed.D.
1814 Haygarth, W.
1815 Holland, H. (Sir)
1818 Walpole, R.
1819 Dodwell, Ed.
1819 Dodwell, Ed. ("Views")
1820 Hughes, Th.S.
1820 Pomardi, S.
1820 Pomardi, S.
1821 Laurent, P. Ed.
1822 Black W.
1823 Horner, J.J.
1824 Leake, W.M.
1824 Joly, A.-V.
1824 Spencer-Stanhope, J.
1825 Griechenland
1826 Stackelberg, O.M. von
1826-27 Pouqueville, Fr.-Ch.-H.-L.
1828 Stackelberg, O.M. von
1829 Frankland, Ch.Col.
1829 Williams, H.W.
1829-32, 1833-35 Peytier, Eug.
1830 Friedel, Ad.
1831 Stackelberg, O.M. von
1831, 1833, 1838 Blouet, G.A.
1832 Friedel, Ad.
1830 Stackelberg, O.M. von
1830 Bröndsted, P.Ol.
1830 Cockerell, Ch.
1830 Frommel, C.
1832 Barthélemy, J.J.
1833-34 Le Blanc, T.
1834 Stackelberg, O.M. von
1834 Dodwell, Ed.
1835 Pouqueville, Fr.-Ch.-H.-L.
1835 / 1967 Leake, W.M.
1835 Auldjo J.
1837 Hervé, Fr.
1838 - 45 Skene, J.
1841 Aldenhoven, F.
1841 Wordsworth, Chr.
1842 Wright, G.N.
1842-1885 /1984 Album
1843 Allan, J.H.
1843 D’Aligny, C.F.T.C.
1843 Du Moncel, Th.
1846 Leake, W.M.
1848 Estourmel, J. d’(Comte)
1849 Byron, George Gordon (Lord)
1854 Laborde, L.Em.S.J. de (Marquis)
1867 Rey, Et.
1881 Belle, H.
1882 Wordsworth, Chr.
1882 Farrer, R. R.
1887 Schweiger Lerchenfeld, A. Von
1887 / 2002 Falke, J. von
1890 Mahaffy, J.P.
1894 Baedeker, K.
1923 Reisinger, Er.
1925 Willoughby, Vera
1929 Perilla, Fr.
1932 Puaux, R.
Piraeus and Ports
Written by Ioli Vingopoulou