Art and antiquities (4912 Subjects)
Landscape near the ancient site of Gonnoi, at the western end of the Vale of Tempi. Due to its strong fortress, the location was also called Kondylos or Gonnokondylos.
Inscription etched on the rock at the Vale of Tempi, first century BCE: “L. CASSIUS LONGINUS PROCONS TEMPE MUNIVIT” that is, proconsul L. Cassius Longinus built a road or fortifications at Tempi. The rock bearing the inscription was destroyed during the construction of the national highway in 1959.
The temple of Apollo at the site of Kolona, Aegina island.
The temple of Aphaia, Aegina island.
The interior of the Tholos Tomb of Mycenae (Treasury of Atreus).
Title page.
The Acropolis seen from Pnyx hill.
The Parthenon seen from the Propylaea.
The temple of Athena Nike at the Acropolis of Athens.
The Gate of Athena Archegetis at the Roman Agora of Athens.
Antiquities from Athens: 1. Ionic column capital from the inner peristyle of the Propylaea of the Acropolis. 2. Drawings of the entablature, side view and section of a column capital from the inner peristyle of the Acropolis Propylaea. Plan of Ionic column, drawings of the pedestal. 3. Inscriptions on a metope found in the ancient Agora of Athens.
1, 3: Votive offerings, possibly from Kerameikos cemetery: Urn with relief, funerary stele. 2. Statue of Nike.
Ruins of an ancient temple, probably the temple of Aphrodite, in Sardes, Asia Minor.
Philadelphia, in Asia Minor.
A Roman gate at Ephesus. In the distance the castle of Selçuk, the city adjacent to ancient Ephesus.
Monuments on the outskirts of Caesarea.
Funerary monument, possibly at Termessos, Asia Minor.
Ancient structure on the outskirts of Tarsus, built by giants according to local tradition.
Ancient inscriptions from Ankara.
Inscription in ancient Greek from Ankara.
Inscriptions in ancient Greek from Konya (38 - 40), Selymbria (41), Lüleburgaz (42), and Plovdiv (43 - 45).
Funerary inscription from the church of Hagios Dimitrios in Thessaloniki. Inscriptions from a church in Thessaloniki (50 -51). Inscription from Lamia (52-53).
Inscription in ancient Greek from Andros island (54). Inscription in ancient Greek from Konya (55-63). Inscriptions in ancient Greek from Adana (64).
Egyptian obelisks.
Egyptian pyramids.
Pyramid made of human sculls.
Map of Delos and Rineia islands.
Map of Syros.
Map of Rhodes island.