Art and antiquities (4912 Subjects)
The tutor from the Niobids complex, Uffizi Gallery, Florence.
Young women playing a stringed instrument
Drawing of woman playing the flute (possibly a courtesan), from ancient vase.
Young women dancing and playing music (imaginary representation).
Roman statue of girl playing astragaloi (knucklebones), kept at Altes Museum, Berlin.
Young women playing on the swing (imaginary representation).
Tanagra figurines.
Relief of young man from the Parthenon frieze.
Apollo of Belvedere (Roman statue of Hadrian's era, based on a copper original of the 4th century, possibly by Leochares).
Statue of the Capitoline Venus type, from the Capitoline Museums.
Tanagra statuette.
Examples of male costume in antiquity, based on extant representations, such as those of Hephaestus (second from left) and Aeschines (fourth from left).
Examples of female costume in antiquity, based on extant representations.
Examples of female costume in antiquity, based on extant representations.
Example of dress of young man in chlamys, wearing a petasus, possibly based on extant representations of Hermes.
Example of dress of young man in chlamys, wearing a petasus, possibly based on extant representations of Hermes.
Tanagra statuette of seated young woman.
Examples of male and female ornate costume.
Examplles of ancient footwear.
Examples of ancient male hairstyles.
Tanagra statuette of barber and customer.
Examples of ancient female hairstyles.
Head of nymph Clytia, British Museum.
Female head from Munich Glyptothek.
Self-care implements: Perfume vases, brush, fans and mirror.
Fictional representation of gynaeconites (female quarters) of affluent house, possibly of a hetaera, showing typical morning activities.
Wedding preparations of Cassandra and Bellerophontes, from ancient vase.
Flower sellers (imaginary representation).
The flower market of ancient Athens (imaginary representation).
Greek women doing household tasks, from ancient Greek vases.