Art and antiquities (4912 Subjects)
Young girl from Sparta.
Women doing household tasks, from ancient vase.
Iphigenia in Tauris, based on the painting by Anselm Feuerbach.
Bust of Sappho.
Reclining woman, from ancient vase.
Female sculpture, Vatican museum.
Portrait of Aspasia drawn according to the Vatican bust.
Aphrodite of Knidus (copy of the sculpture by Praxiteles), Munich Glyptothek.
The Eros of Centocelle, Vatican Museum.
Phryne before the Areopagus.
Entrance to an ancient Greek house (imaginary reconstruction).
Plan of ancient Greek house.
Atrium of an ancient Greek house, with the statue of Hestia.
Drawings of seats and chairs of antiquity.
Drawings of beds of antiquity.
Lamps of antiquity.
Greek women doing household tasks.
Men in banquet.
Reception of guest in a home, from ancient Greek vase.
Banquet with courtesans.
Receptacles to store and serve wine: Craters and oinochoes.
Cups to drink wine from: Skyphoi and rhyta.
Acrobats performing handstand stunts, from ancient vases.
Statue of Dionysus, British Museum, London.
Scene from the Symposium of Plato, after the painting by Anselm Feuerbach.
Imaginary reconstruction of the Horologion of Andronikos Kyrristos and adjacent area, Athens.
Imaginary reconstruction of the Agora of ancient Athens.
Women slaves at a fountain (imaginary representation).
Bust of Hippocrates, Louvre Museum.
Statue of Hermes. Statue of Asclepius.