Art and antiquities (4912 Subjects)
Two Athenians conversing.
Imaginary reconstruction of Athens at the age of emperor Hadrian. View from the east.
View of Pnyx hill.
The excavation site at ancient Olympia.
Komos scene, from ancient vase.
Greek chariot, from ancient vase.
Diana of Versailles, Louvre Museum.
Imaginary reconstruction of the Acropolis of Athens.
Capitoline Faun, Vatican Museums.
Reconstruction of the Sacred Way which led from Eleusis to Athens, with the temple of Aphrodite, fortress and inn.
Vatican Apoxyomenos.
Reconstruction of ancient Olympia, from drawing by Friedrich Wilhelm von Thiersch.
Drawing of sculpture of the Discobolus (Discus-thrower) type, probably based on Townley Discobolus, a copy of Myro's sculpture discovered in Hadrian's Villa at Tivoli and housed today at the British Museum, London. Drawing of sculpture of the Discophoros (Discus-bearer) type, probably based on Townley Discophoros, a copy of the sculpture by Polyclitus, discovered in Hadrian's Villa at Tivoli and housed today at the British Museum, London.
Statue of Hercules of Farnese, by Glycon , probably based on the original by Lysippos, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Naples. Statue of Hermes, Vatican Museums.
Scene from the Olympic Games (imaginary representation).
Statue of Nike by Paionius, Archaeological Musem of ancient Olympia.
Statue of Hermes by Praxiteles, Archaeological Musem of ancient Olympia.
Imaginary reconstruction of the interior of the temple of Zeus in Olympia, with Phidias's gold and ivory sculpture.
Zeus of Otricoli, Vatican Museums.
Hellenistic statue of the “praying boy”, Staatliche Museum, Berlin.
Ancient remains at the site of Delphi.
Drawing of thiasus (Bacchanalian procession), after the Borghese vase, Louvre Museum.
Imaginary reconstruction of Lesser Propylaea of the temple of Demeter at Eleusis.
Oxen led to sacrifice, drawing after the reliefs on the northern frieze of the Parthenon.
Women at the Panathenaean procession, drawing after the reliefs on the eastern frieze of the Parthenon.
Cavalry, drawing after the reliefs on the frieze of the Parthenon, today at the British Museum, London.
Greek sarcophagus and votive offerings.
Lekythoi (vases for storing oli destined to funerary rituals).
Drawing of the stele of Mika and Dion from Kerameikos cemetery, Archaeological Museum of Athens.
Imaginary reconstruction of Dipylon, the entrance to the cemetery of Kerameikos.