Art and antiquities (4912 Subjects)
Jewellery discovered on the site of Troy.
Section of the putative Treasury of Atreus, Mycenae.
Imaginary reconstruction of temple of Poseidon in Paestum.
Imaginary reconstruction of the Propylaea of the Acropolis of Athens.
Doric column capital. Ionic column capital.
Imaginary reconstruction of the Erechtheion at the Acropolis of Athens.
Imaginary reconstruction of the interior of the Parthenon.
Caryatid, from the southern side of the Erechtheion.
Types of ancient vases.
Ancient amphora, Munich.
Scene from pyxis vase.
Dione and Aphrodite from the eastern pediment of the Parthenon, today at the British Museum, London.
Nibe and her youngest daughter from the Niobids complex, Uffizi Gallery, Florence.
Statue of the “Dying Gaul”, Roman copy of lost Hellenistic original, Capitoline Museums, Rome.
Detail of the Gigantomachy relief o the Pergamon Altar, today kept at Pergamonmuseum, Berlin.
Farnese bull, Hellenistic sculpture complex, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Naples.
Venus of Medici, Hellenistic sculpture of Aphrodite, Uffizi Gallery, Florence.
Sculpture of Laocoön and his Sons, Vatican Museums, Rome.
Bust of Homer.
The meeting of Odysseus and Nausicaa.
Imaginary reconstruction of theatre of Dionysus, Athens.
Statue of Sophocles, Vatican Museums.
Medea, after painting by Anselm Feuerbach.
Statue of seated figure, traditionally called Menander, Vatican Museums, Rome.
Statue of Posidippus, Roman copy of Hellenistic original, Vatican Museums, Rome.
Scene from New Comedy play (imaginary representation).
Death of Socrates.
Bust of Demosthenes, Vatican Museums.
Bust of Socrates, Vatican Museums.
Bust of Diogenes from Villa Albani, Rome.