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Art and antiquities (4912 Subjects)

1. Ottoman fountain at Pylos. 2. Water cistern at Pylos. 3. Entrance to Niocastro, Pylos.


Top: Topographical map of the area of Palaiokastro, Pylos. Bottom: Plan of Palaiokastro, Venetian fortress of Pylos, which was built on the site of the Acropolis of ancient Pylos (Neleion).


Top: Cave of Nestor, located at Palaiokastro, to the side of Voidokoilia beach. Topographical map of the adjacent area. Bottom: Ruins of the walls of ancient Pylos, incorporated into the fortifications of the Venetian fortress of Palaiokastro.


Section, plan and view of an unidentified church at Osphino, on the route from Pylos to Methoni.


1. Plan of the church of Agioleo (Saint Leon) at Palaiomethoni. This was probably the site of the now-lost Cistercian monastery of De viridario beatae Mariae at Paliomethoni, close to Methoni. 2. View of the monastery of Hagios Vasileios, close to the early Christian catacombs of Saint Onuphrius.


Section of church at Methoni. Frescoes from the same church.


1. The Gate of Xira at the castle of Merhoni. The granite column known as column of Morosini at the castle of Methoni.


1. Plan of early Byzantine basilica at Loutsa, close to Foinikounta, Messenia. 2, 3. Roman ruins at Loutra, close to Foinikounta, Messenia.


Entrance to the Venetian castle of Koroni. 2. Ancient column capital from Koroni. 2. Roman column capital from Koroni.


Topographic map of Messene.


Panoramic view of the stadium and gymnasium of ancient Messene.


1, 3. Front and side view of the stadium and gymnasium of ancient Messene.2, 4. Reconstruction of the stadium and gymnasium of ancient Messene; front and side view.


Elevation of part of the Doric stoa at the stadium and gymnasium of ancient Messene. Architectural details of the structure.


Details of the corner of the entablature and of a column at the Doric stoa of the stadium of ancient Messene.


Architectural and decorative features of the stadium and gymnasium of ancient Messene: Elevation of the Doric stoa columns behind the seats. Ceiling plan of the column echinus. Corner column capital. Section and plan of the seats. Decorative features.


View of the stadium and gymnasium of ancient Messene.


Plan of the Heroon at ancient Messene.


Elevation of the Heroon at the stadium of ancient Messene (reconstruction).


Side elevation and section of the Heroon at the stadium of ancient Messene (reconstruction).


Architectural and decorative features of the Heroon at the stadium of ancient Messene: The corner of the entablature (pediment, architrave). Ceiling plan and section of the guttae. Lintel of the antae. Fragment of decorative element adorning the lintel.


Architectural features of the Heroon at the stadium of ancient Messene. 1. Section of column and column capital. 2. Reconstruction of crepidoma and column capital, ceiling plan of column. 3. Section of lintel. 4, 5. Reconstruction of anta base and lintel. 6. Section of anta base and lintel 7. Section of the stylobate at the base of the anta. 8. Slab from the base of the anta. 9. Stone inscribed with names, from the monument's façade.


Reconstruction, plans, sections and architectural features of fragments of Greek and Roman columns at ancient Messene.


Architectural and decorative features of monuments of ancient Messene.


1. The Laconic Gate of the walls of ancient Messene. 2. Part of the walls of ancient Messene


Reconstruction of square tower at the walls of ancient Messene: Side elevation, section, ceiling plan and floor plan. Architectural features.


Reconstruction of square tower at the walls of ancient Messene: Section and plan.


View and plan of the horseshoe-shaped tower at the northwestern wall of ancient Messene (Tower 6).


View and plan of the Arcadian Gate at the walls of ancient Messene (reconstruction).


The Arcadian Gate at the walls of ancient Messene. 1. View of the exterior. 2. View of the interior.


The Arcadian Gate at the walls of ancient Messene: Reconstruction of the exterior.
