Art and antiquities (4912 Subjects)
Section of the Tholos tomb of Mycenae or Treasury of Atreus.
1. Entrance to the Tholos tomb of Mycenae or Treasury of Atreus. 2-7. Lakkos tombs of Mycenae: Entrance, sections and plans.
Decorative features and fragments of reliefs from Mycenae.
Imaginary reconstruction of the Lion Gate, Mycenae.
Plan of the Acropolis of Tiryns.
1, 2. Entrance to masonry tunnel at the polygonal walls of Tiryns. Plan of the tunnel. 3. View and plan of part of the walls of Tiryns
1. Topographical map of Nafplion. 2. Part of the ancient walls of the acropolis of Nafplion or Acronauplia. 3. Part of the modern walls of the city.
1. Topographical map of Epidaurus, with the ancient theatre and the stadium of the Sanctuary of Asclepius. 2,3. Plan and view of the pyramid of Lygourio.
Topographical map of the site of ancient Epidaurus.
Plan and architectural details of the ancient theatre of Epidaurus.
1. Section. 2, 3. Section of the seats. 4,5. Reconstruction and architectural features of the priest's seat.
The stadium of the Sanctuary of Asclepius, Epidaurus. Plan of the site, architectural features.
Architectural features and inscription from the Sanctuary of Asclepius, Epidaurus.
Architectural features from the Sanctuary of Asclepius, Epidaurus.
Architectural features from the Sanctuary of Asclepius, Epidaurus.
Architectural features from the Sanctuary of Asclepius, Epidaurus.
View of the ancient theatre of Epidaurus.
Topographical map of the archaeological site of Delos.
Landscape on Delos island.
Sanctuary of Apollo, Delos island. 1, 2. View and plan of Doric columns.3. Column pedestal viewed from above. 4. Inscription.
Temple of Apollo, Delos island: Reconstruction, architectural features and plans of elements of the entablature and column.
Stoa of Philip V, Delos island: Plan and reconstruction of columns and triglyphs. Part of inscription reading “ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΩΝ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΣ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΔΗΜΗΤΡΙΟΥ ΑΠΟΛΛΩΝΙ".
Stoa of Philip V, Delos island: View, plans and perpendicular section of architectural features belonging to the entablature and columns.
Plan of columns and decorative features of the Stoa of Antigonus Gonatas at Delos island.
Reconstruction and ceiling plan of parts of the epistyle reliefs at the Stoa of Antigonus Gonatas on Delos island.
1. View and plan of columns at the stoa of the Agora of the Delians, close to the Sacred Port of Delos. 2-12: Details of columns from Delos.
Plan and section of the ancient theatre of Delos with details of the retaining wall. In centre right (to the south of the theatre), plan of cistern and reconstruction of its roof.
1-3. View, reconstruction and plan of the Cave of Heracles on Mount Cynthus, Delos island. 4-9. Architectural features of columns and part of wall surrounding the sanctuary of Zeus and Athena on Mount Cynthus, Delos.
Ancient inscriptions from Delos island.
Ancient Greek inscription from Delos island. 2, 3. Plan and section, possibly of the Prytaneion, Delos island. 4. Fragment of sarcophagus from Delos island.