Art and antiquities (4912 Subjects)
Temple of Zeus at Nemea: Reconstruction of the entablature corner and the crepidoma, with details of Doric column.
View of ancient Corinth with the Temple of Apollo and Acrocorinth.
1. Plan of the Temple of Apollo at ancient Corinth. 2. View of the Temple of Apollo at ancient Corinth. 3. Plan of the Roman theatre off ancient Corinth.
Elevation of the façade of the temple of Apollo at ancient Corinth.
Temple of Apollo at ancient Corinth: Section of Doric column capital and of part of the epistyle. Left: Reconstruction of part of the epistyle. Bottom right: Votive inscription.
View of the temple of Apollo at ancient Corinth.
Topographical map of ancient Sicyon, with the sites of the ancient theatre and the stadium.
1. Plan of the ancient theatre of Sicyon, 1829. 2. Section of part of the theatre. 3-6. Reconstruction and architectural features of the entrance and the main part of the Roman subterranean gallery which provided access to the theatre. 7. Section of seating row. 8-10. View, plan and section of the retaining wall of the stadium of Sicyon.
1. Relief incorporated into wall, seen by the author at a house in Xylokastro. 2, 3. Bases of sculptures seen by the author at church at the village of Basiliko (ancient Sicyon).
1. Cave of the oracle of Heracles Vouraikos close to Aigion 2. Medieval relief seen by the author in Aigion. 3. Ancient relief seen by the author at church in Aigion. 4. Inscription seen by the author at the now-lost church of the Presentation of the Virgin (Eisodia Theotokou), Aigion. Today a building by Ernst Ziller stands on the site of the church.
Medieval inscriptions and relief seen by the author at the castle of Patras.
Fragments of Roman statues from Patras. Image 3: details from the Tower of Patrinela at the castle of Patras.
1. View of the castle of Patras. 2-6. Plan and architectural details of Roman funerary monument, Patras.
Roman antiquities seen by the author at the Monastery of Loukou, Cynouria, Peloponnese.
Roman antiquities from Loukou, Cynouria, Peloponnese.
Roman antiquities from Loukou, Cynouria, Peloponnese.
Roman antiquities from Loukou, Cynouria, Peloponnese.
The temple of Hephaestus, Athens.
The Library of Hadrian, Athens, with the now-lost small church of Hagios Asomatos “sta Skalia”.
The Gate of Athena Archegetis (Pazaroporta) at Plaka, Athens.
Horologion of Andronikos Kyrristos or Tower of the Winds, Plaka, Athens.
The Choregic Monument of Lysicrates, Athens.
The Temple of Olympian Zeus, Athens. In the background, the Acropolis.
Arch of Hadrian, Athens. In the background, the Acropolis.
The Acropolis of Athens from the south. On the right, the temple of Olympian Zeus.
The temple of Zeus Olympian and the Evangelical Church of Athens.
Relief of Nike Sandalizousa from the temple of Athena Nike at Athens Acropolis (kept today at the Acropolis Museum).
Relief of Nike from the temple of Athena Nike at Athens Acropolis (kept today at the Acropolis Museum).
Head of sculpture from the Parthenon.
Head of the sculpture of Nike from the western pediment of the Parthenon. The head was taken off the temple at the orders of Francesco Morosini, and carried off to Venice in 1687.