Military officers (163 Subjects)
Kaseki, officer of the Bostancı unit.
The Aga of the Janissaries.
Çorbacı, captain of the Janissaries.
Aşçıbaşı, cook and officer of the Janissaries.
Janissary in ceremonial dress.
Janissary in everyday dress.
Armed Albanian.
View of Mount Elbrus from the south.
Fountain in Edirne.
Defeat of the Ottoman army under Hüseyin Pasha, near Sozopol.
Quarters of Hans Karl von Diebitsch, Field Marschal of Russia at Eski Saray (Old Palace) of Edirne.
The Russian army takes Sliven on 31 July 1829.
Signing of the treaty of Adrianople at the old Palace of Edirne.
Didymoteicho capitulates to the Ottoman army.
Gate at the walls of Edirne.
Te Deum (thanksgiving service) for the signing of Edirne treaty at the plain of Edirne Palace.
Didymoteicho from the south.
Ruins near Pinarhissar (Doxipara).
Entrance to the house of the ayan (derebey) in Pinarhissar (Doxipara).
Remains of the house of Charles XII in the castle of Didymoteicho.
Albanian soldiers.
View of the Second Gate of Topkapi Palace, know also as Middle or Gate of Salutation.
The main entrance (Sublime Porte) to Topkapi Palace, Istanbul.
The Hippodrome of Constantinople.
Solak, guard to the Sultan.
Baltacı, Palace guardian skilled with axe.
Zülüflü Baltacı, servant who guards imprisoned princes.
Kül kethudası, assistant to the Aga of the Janissary corp.
Humbaracı, soldier of the artillery.
Alay Çavuş, colonel.