Shoes and footwear (704 Subjects)
Woman from Tripoli, Libya.
Woman of Macedonia.
Muezzin calling the faithful to prayer.
Turkish lady in promenade costume.
Young dancer.
Dancing dervish.
Scene at the bazaar
Candy seller, Damascus.
Woman of Damascus.
Itinerant sherbet seller at Damascus.
Woman of Damascus, probably Christian.
Affluent Turkish ladies enjoying their coffee at home.
Itinerant candy seller at Istanbul. In the background, Galata Tower.
Ottoman carriage. On the right, Ottomans enjoying a sherbet.
Ottoman carriage.
Muslim cemetery on the outskirts of Istanbul.
The Commander of the Jannisaries corps.
Water seller.
Commander of bashi-bazouks, irregular soldiers of the Ottoman army.
Slave trader.
Ottoman land-owner.
Ottoman porter.
Ulema, scholar of Islamic Law and other disciplines.
Raisin seller, probably itinerant.
Second-in-rank commander of the Jannissaries corps.
Tobacco seller, probably itinerant.
Dervish of the Mevlevi order, in front of Pera lodge.
Itinerant candy seller.
Young woman of Turkish origin.