Art and antiquities (4912 Subjects)
Lake Averno, traditionally considered as entrance to Hades, near Pozzuoli.
Roman arch in Cuma.
Roman aqueduct in Ponti Rossi, Naples.
The temple of Isis in Pompeii.
The Doric temple of Pompeii.
The Forum of Pompeii.
Amphitheatre in Cuma. Ischia island in the background.
Ancient temples in Paestum.
Ancient Greek and Roman coins.
Ancient Greek and Roman coins.
Reliefs from the column of Theodosius I.
The Serpent Column in the Byzantine Hippodrome of Istanbul.
The column of Arcadius in Istanbul.
The colmn of Constantine in Istanbul.
The column of Marcian in Istanbul.
Inscriptions from Thyateira.
Inscriptions from Thyateira.
Maps of ancient Ephesus.
Ruins of the Temple of Apollo in Didyma.
Map of Iassos.
The Temple of Augustus in Mylasa.
Column with votive inscription, encased in the walls of Mylasa.
Funerary monument in Mylasa.
Representation of female figure symbolising prosperity, from Roman coin from Samos.
Map of Athens.
The Parthenon.
Plan of the theatre of Dionysus in Athens.
The Choregic monument of Thrasyllus (Panagia Spiliotissa), on the southern slope of the Acropolis.
Hadrian's Arch.
Hadrian's aqueduct.