Art and antiquities (4912 Subjects)
Monument on Areopagus, probably the Bema of the Pnyx.
Monument in Athens, probably the Gate of Athena Archegetis in the Roman Agora.
The Temple of Olympian Zeus in Athens.
The Horologion of Andronikos Kyrristos or Tower of the Winds.
The Choregic monument of Lysicrates, formerly called Diogenes' or Demosthenes' Lantern.
Statue of Cybele.
Relief showing Isis and Serapis.
The Caryatid from the Lesser Propylaea of the sanctuary of Demeter in Eleusis.
The base of the statue of Demeter in Eleusis.
Map of Megara.
Funerary monument in Venice. According to tradition, this monument was built by Corinthians in memory of Diogenes the Cynic.
Drawing of strawberry tree (arbutus unedo) from Pendeli.
Ancient Greek and Roman coins.
Panorama of Athens from the Hill of the Nymphs (1843).
Panorama of Athens from the Hill of the Nymphs (1843).
The Parthenon.
The Propylaea and the temple of Athena Nike.
The Propylaea and the temple of Athena Nike.
Choregic Monument of Lysicrates.
Monument of Philopappus.
Temple of Hephaestus.
Temple of Hephaestus.
Temple of Olympian Zeus or Olympeion in Athens.
Hadrian's Arch.
Gate of Athena Archegetis in the Roman Agora of Athens.
Gate of Athena Archegetis in the Roman Agora of Athens.
Odeon of Herodes Atticus.
Odeon of Herodes Atticus.