Art and antiquities (4912 Subjects)
Tables showing the characteristic features of the Doric, Ionian and Corinthian order.
Frontispiece: The voyage of Cornelis de Bruyn.
Coins from Izmir.
Funerary stele.
Ruins near Seydiköy.
Fynerary stele from Ephesus.
The pool in which according to tradition Saint John Theologian baptized Christians.
View of the Pillar of Pompey on the Bosphorus, based on earlier drawing, as in De Bruyn's time the pillar had already been destroyed.
Ancient ruins in the Troad.
Ancient remains in the Troad.
Aqueduct near Yeni Foça.
Panoramic view of the port of Tyre.
The pyramids of Giza.
The burial chamber of the Pyramid of Cheops in Giza.
The pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx.
Antiquities bought by Cornelis De Bruyn in Cairo.
Panoramic view of Alexandria with the triumphal column of Diocletian (Pompey's column).
Panoramic view of Alexandria.
Obelisk in Alexandria.
View of pool in Ramla.
The tomb of Zechariah. The tomb of Absalom. The cave of Jeremiah. The structure called prison of Jeremiah, according to tradition.
The monuments called Tombs of the Kings in Kidron Valley, Jerusalem.
Remains, probably of the church built by Saint Helen on the site where the Virgin Mary visited Elisabeth.
Panoramic view of the ruins of Palmyra (Tadmor).
Ancient coins sold at the market of Aleppo.
Reliefs from Persepolis.
Antiquities from the remains of Persepolis.
Reliefs and gates form the remains of Persepolis.