Art and antiquities (4912 Subjects)
Relifs of gods from Yazilikaya sanctuary near Hattousa (Boǧazkale), capital of the Hittites.
Relief of warrior from Konya.
Remains in Hattousa (Boǧazkale), capital of the Hittites.
Sanctuary in Knidos.
1. Gate in the walls of Hattousa (Boǧazkal), capital of the Hittites. 2. Gate in the walls of Hattousa.
Walls of Aphrodisias in Caria.
Rock-cutLycian tombs.
The monument called “Tomb of Midas” in Gordium, Phrygia, possibly a temple of Cybele.
Temple of Athena in Assus.
Rock-cut Lycian tombs in Makri (anc. Telmissos, today Telmissos).
Reliefs from the temple of Athena in Assus.
Gate in the walls of Assus.
Temple of Apollo in Didyma.
Temple of Apollo in Aphrodisias.
Temple of Dionysus in Teos.
Temple of Zeus in Aizanoi.
Temple of Zeus in Labraunda.
Monumentum Ancyranum (Temple of Augustus and Rome in Ancara).
Marble sarcophagus in Aphrodisias, Caria.
Remains of the Basilica of Saint John in Pergamon.
Hagia Sophia of Trabzon.
The Acropolis of Assus.
Sculptures of lion and falcons from the castle of Konya.
View of Kekova (anc. Cyaneai) with the town fortress and Lycian tombs.
Remains of structures in Kekova (anc. Cyaneai).
Rock-cut tombs in Myra, Lycia.
Lycian tomb in Tlos.
Inscription from ancient building in Soma, Lydia.
Part of frieze from the templeof Athena in Assus. Sarcophagi in Assus.
Gateways of the earliest dates in Assos.