Art and antiquities (4912 Subjects)
Details from the Temple of Zeus at Euromus, ancient city near modern-day Milas, Asia Minor.
Details from the Temple of Zeus at Euromus, ancient city near modern-day Milas, Asia Minor.
Map of Miletus area in the 18th century.
Map of Miletus area in antiquity.
Plan and elevation of the Temple of Apollo at Didim (anc. Didyma).
Details of the Temple of Apollo at Didim (anc. Didyma).
View of Maeander river and the ruins of Miletus.
Architectural features of the Temple of Athena at Priene, Asia Minor.
Ancient coins of Miletus.
Aqueduct near Ephesus.
Reconstructive drawing of aqueduct near Ephesus.
Vie of ancient gate at Ephesus.
Reconstructive drawing of temple at Ephesus.
Details of temple at Ephesus.
Reconstructive drawing of the Temple of Dionysus at the ancient city of Teos.
1. Ancient coin for the union of Smyrna and Ephesus. At the center the famous statue of Artemis of Ephesus. 2. Roman coin showing the Roman Emperor doing libation at the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus.
Bust of Alexander the Great, and Hellenistic coins.
Map of Pergamon.
Remains of a Gymnasium at Pergamon.
Ruins of an amphitheater at Pergamon.
Marble vase discovered at Pergamon.
Ancient coins of Pergamon.
Antiquities from Lesbos island: Marble seat, aqueduct and relief.
Plan of the ancient city of Assos.
Reconstruction of the ancient city of Assos.
Ancient coins of Aeolis.
Map of the isthmus of Mount Athos.
Signets with various scenes of the Trojan War.
Antiquities from the putative Tumulus of Phaestus in the Troad.
Ancient theater in Alexandria Troas (Eski Stambul).