Art and antiquities (4912 Subjects)
Underground monument in Alexandria Troas (today Eski Stambul).
Remains of aqueduct in Alexandria Troas (today Eski Stambul).
Alexandria Troas (today Eski Stambul): Plan of the port and the ancient theater. Antiquities.
Arch and pillars of a building at Alexandria Troas (today Eski Stambul).
The putative Tumulus of Protesilaus, on the European shore of the Dardanelles.
Remains of the ancient city of Elaeus, in Gelibolu Peninsula.
Ancient ruins at Abydos.
Ancient wall at Parium, ancient city in Asia Minor.
Ruins of monument at Parium, ancient city in Asia Minor.
Relief showing the death of Protesilaus. Drawing showing the fall of Ellis into the sea, henceforth Hellespont. Coins of the ancient cities around Hellespont.
The Hippodrome of Constantinople.
View of the remains of the Monastery of Stoudios, Istanbul.
The Acropolis of Athens.
Relief from byzantine parapet.
Relief from Byzantine parapet.
The putative Tomb of Ezekiel at Al Kifl, near Baghdad.
Church of St. Marcellinus and St. Peter.
Triumphal Arch at Reims.
Tomb at Dana.
Plan of the city of Perga.
View of the city of Perga.
Christian tombstones at Sour Ghozlan (Auzla), Africa.
Votive fresco from church at Ürgüp, Cappadocia.
The church of Saint Anthony, on the the site of Baal's Temple, at Beit Mery, Lebanon
Fortifications of Dara.
Plan of the Temple of Baal, at Cavesus [Beit Mery], in [Lebanon].
View of the Temple of Bacchus, Laodicea-Lattakia.
Temple of Bacchus, Laodicea-Lattakia. Elevation of inner side of columns. Plan.
Plan of the Temple of Venus at Aphrodisias.
Plan of the Temple of Rome and Augustus [Ankara].