Art and antiquities (4912 Subjects)
Canopic jars from the necropolis of Abusir, near Cairo.
Section of Cheops Pyramid in Giza.
Cheops Pyramid in Giza.
Relief with hieroglyphics from Giza.
Pyramids in Upper Egypt.
View and floor plan of the ancient Egyptian labyrinth mentioned by Herodotus, near ancient Crocodilopolis (today Fayum).
Reliefs from the sacrificial altar and portico of the ancient Egyptian labyrinth mentioned by Herodotus, near ancient Crocodilopolis (today Fayum).
Views of portico in ancient Antinopolis (today Sheikh Ibada), in Egypt.
Monument at Qus (anc. Apollonopolis Parva) in Egypt.
Temple at the remains of ancient Hermonthis (today Armant) in Egypt.
Plan of temple at the remains of ancient Hermonthis (today Armant) in Egypt.
Urn from Denderah, Egypt.
The Temple of Hathor at Denderah, Egypt.
Hieroglyphics from the Temple of Isis in Behbeit El-Hagar, Egypt.
Kore statue from the Acropolis of Athens.
The Acropolis of Athens, seen from the route to Kaisariani.
Hermes statue from Palaiopolis, Andros island (Archeological Museum of Andros.)
The ruins of the Temple of Apollo, Delos.
The foundations of the Temple of Apollo, Delos.
Artemision and the ancient port of Delos.
The Sacred Lake, Delos.
The House of Cleopatra and Dioscorides, Delos.
The Cave of Heracles on Mount Cynthus, Delos.
Nike of Delos (today at the National Archaeological Museum, Athens).
The Terrace of the Lions, Delos.
The Establishment of the Poseidoniasts, Delos.
View of the ruins of Delos from the Temples of Syrian and Egyptian deities.
The ancient commercial port of Delos.
View of Naxos island from the sea, with Portara (entrance to the Temple of Apollo.)
The ancient quarries of Paros.