Jewellery (295 Subjects)
Woman of Macedonia, from edition of the voyages of N. de Nicolay, 16th century.
Married woman from Thessaloniki. Woman from Thessaloniki. Maiden from Thessaloniki. From: Jean-Jacques Boissard, Habitus Variarum Orbis Gentium, 1581.
Married woman from Thessaloniki, based on drawing by Cesare Vecellio. From: Alphonse Lasor a Varea (Raffaello Savonarola), Universus Terrarum Orbis Scriptorum Calamo Delineatis, Padua, 1713.
Maiden from Thessaloniki. From: T. Jefferys (ed.), A collection of the dresses of different nations, ancient and modern..., London, 1757.
Bride from Thessaloniki, 16th century. Based on drawing by Jean-Jacques Boissard. From: T. Jefferys (ed.), A collection of the dresses of different nations, ancient and modern..., London, 1757.
Noblewoman from Macedonia, 16th century, based on drawing by N. de Nicolay. From: T. Jefferys (ed.), A collection of the dresses of different nations, ancient and modern..., London, 1757.
Bride from Thessaloniki. From reedition of the work by Cesare Vecellio, Costumes anciens et modernes, Habiti antichi et moderni di tutto il Mondo di Cesare Vecellio, Paris, Firmin-Didot, 1859-60.
Bulgrian bride from Kalamaria. From: Adelaide Mary Walker, Through Macedonia to the Albanian Lakes, London, Chapman and Hill, 1864.