Art and antiquities (4912 Subjects)
The ruins of Thespiae. In the background Mount Helicon.
Ancient coins of Thebes and Delium.
The choregic monument of Lysicrates, which served for some time as library of the Capuchin Order.
Interior view of the Choregic monument of Thrasyllus (Panagia Spiliotissa) in Athens.
Frusta of the Propylaea columns.
Antifix of the Parthenon.
Interior view of the Parthenon.
The Caryatid Porch of the Erechtheion, Athens.
View of the Acropolis of Athens from the foot of Areopagus.
Metope from the Temple of Hephaestus (Theseion).
Metope from the Temple of Hephaestus (Theseion).
Ruins, probably of the Stoa of Attalos.
Hadrian's Arch and the Temple of Olympian Zeus in Athens.
Tablet dedicated by a person who was cured from some malady in the eyes.
Stele with inscription: "ΤΕΡΤΙΑ ΥΨΙΣΤΩ ΕΥΧΗΝ".
Inscription in Greek and Phoenician from Athens.
Ancient statue.
Bronze lamina which shews that the sepulchre contained the remains of an Athenian judge, named Diodoros, of the tribunal Phreattys, and of the Demos Phrearroi, which was in the tribe Leontis.
Lamina found in a sepulchre at the Piraeus. It belonged to Deinias, magistrate of the fifth tribunal, and of the demos Alai Aixonides.
Terra cotta figure, with moveable legs and arms, which were put in motion by means of a string. This figure was found at a funerary monument in Piraeus.
Funerary stele of Theophile.
Ancient sword found at the tomb of a warrior.
Tragic mask of terra cotta (found at tomb), with the mouth wide open, representing the πρόσωπο, or persona, of the ancients.
Cinerary vase of bronze with an elegantly-ornamented rim round its mouth.
Funerary stele of Philocrates.
Grave goods from tombs in Piraeus.
Alabastron from tomb in Piraeus.
Marble vase with the inscription: ΤΙΜΟΦΩΝ ΤΙΜΟΣΤΡΑΤΟΥ ΑΝΑΓΥΡΑΣΙΟΣ.