Art and antiquities (4912 Subjects)
Funerary stele.
Funerary steles from Lefkada.
Funerary steles from Lefkada.
Funerary steles from Cephalonia.
Funerary steles from Thessaloniki.
Head of male statue.
Vase from Croatia.
Funerary stele.
Funerary stele.
Funerary stele.
Funerary stele.
Funerary stele.
Funerary stele.
Funerary stele.
Head of male statue.
Female figurines from Dalmatia.
Female figurines from Croatia.
Funerary stele.
Statue of young man.
Head of female statue from Corfu.
Head of male statue from Athens.
Female statue.
Tombs in Bulgaria.
The pillar of Pompey at the conjunction of the Bosporus and the Black Sea.
The Castalian spring.
View of Kerameikos cemetery.
The remains of the aqueduct of Moria in Lesbos.
The monument of Philopappus.
Reconstruction of ancient Athens according to the drawing by C.R.Cockerell.