Parthenon (413 Subjects)
View of the Parthenon.
Athens from Plato's Academy.
The Acropolis from the Pnyx.
The Parthenon from the southeast.
View of the Parthenon, with the mosque built on the site after the temple's bombardment in 1687.
The Acropolis of Athens.
Antifix of the Parthenon.
Interior view of the Parthenon.
View of Athens from the south. Drawing by captain Verneda.
View of Athens and the Acropolis from the north. The bombardment of the Parthenon by the Venetians in September 1687. Drawing by captain Verneda.
Plan of the Acropolis.
Reconstruction of ancient Athens according to the drawing by C.R.Cockerell.
Group of Elgin Marbles.
Reconstruction of the Acropolis, from the west.
View of the Propylaea.
Reconstruction of the eastern side of the Parthenon.
The Parthenon from the northeast.
The Parthenon from the east, based on sketch by C.R. Cockerell.
The Parthenon from the northeast.
The Parthenon and the Erechtheion.
The Parthenon from the east.
A view of the eastern portico of the Parthenon. [In the interior, the mosque built after the 1687 explosion].
The plan of the Parthenon.
The elevation of the Portico of the Parthenon.
The Parthenon: A transverse section of the Portico.
The Parthenon: Fig. 1. A section lengthways through the Portico and the Pronaus. Fig. 2. A section of the Pediment. Fig. 3. The Fillet and Cyma reversa under the Doric cymatium marked A. fig. 2. Fig. 4. The Moulding on the Corona of the Cornice marked B. fig. 2.
The Parthenon: The Capital and Entablature of the Columns of the Portico.
The Parthenon: Fig. 1. The capital and entablature of the columns of the Pronaus and Posticus. Fig. 2. The Capital of the Antae, and the Section or the Entablature of the Pronaus. Fig. 3. The Mouldings of the Capitals of the Antae, on a larger scale.
The Parthenon: Fig. 1. The Mouldings of the Capitals of the Columns of the Portico. Fig. 2. The Mouldings of the Capitals of the Columns of the Pronaus; both on a large scale.
The Parthenon: Sculptures from the east pediment.