Kumkale Castle (5 Subjects)
View of Kumkale fortress, near Yenişehir, Asia Minor.
Landscape in the Troad, between Kumkale and Beşika Burnu (anc. Achilleion), where according to the legend the Tomb of Achilles is found.
In the background Mount Ida.
Εικ. 1. The southern point of the Dardanelles Fig. 2. Hill near Seddülbahir. The author identifies this hill with the Tomb of Protesilaos.
Εικ. 1. Landscape around Üvecik, in the larger area of the city of Troy. Fig. 2. Landscape if the Troad. On the left the Castel of Kumkale. On the right the site of the Tomb of Aias, in the ancient city of Rhoiteion (today Intepe).
View of part of the Dardanells from the Tomb of Achilles (Beşiktepe). In the background the Castle of Kumkale.