Roman inscriptions (34 Subjects)
Latin inscription from the Aqueduct of Hadrian (Dexameni) in Athens.
Roman inscription embedded in the church of Saint Nicholas at the port of Aegina.
Roman inscriptions: Ι. Inscription on granite pillar in the old port of Alexandria. ΙΙ. Inscription on marble. ΙΙΙ. Inscription on pylon from a temple in Qaw el-Kebir (anc. Antaiopolis).
Inscriptions of Roman era: ΙV. Inscription from temple in Akhmin (anc. Panopolis). V. Inscription from Qus (anc. Apollonopolis Parva).
Roman inscriptions from Elephantine island.
Roman inscriptions from Faqra (Lebanon).
1. Roman inscription from Baalbeck (anc. Heliopolis). 2. Roman inscription from Souk El Gharb.
Roman inscription at the Propylaea of the Acropolis of Athens, in between the Beule Gate and the Temple of Athena Nike. The inscription refers to Flavius Septimius Marcellinus, with the sponsorship of whom the Propylaea of the Acropolis were restored (280 C.E.)
Votive inscriptions from the Stoa of Attalos in Athens. These inscriptions, as well as many other parts of the Stoa, were used in the reconstruction of the Propylaea of the Acropolis of Athens and the walls surrounding the rock.
Marble stele on which a law of Emperor Hadrian is preserved. The author argues that he found this inscription next to the Temple of Rome and Augustus on the Acropolis. He also claims, however, that this inscription was initially found at the Prytaneum.
Roman inscription from Syros.
Ancient Greek (Macedonian) and Roman coins from Philippoi. Pedestal bearing Roman inscription from Philippoi.
Ancient inscrption from Philippoi.
Inscription etched on the rock at the Vale of Tempi, first century BCE: “L. CASSIUS LONGINUS PROCONS TEMPE MUNIVIT” that is, proconsul L. Cassius Longinus built a road or fortifications at Tempi. The rock bearing the inscription was destroyed during the construction of the national highway in 1959.
Inscriptions of the Praetorian Guard.
Fragment of Roman inscription from Rome.
Urn inscriptions and reliefs from the columbarium tomb of the family of Lucius Arruntius, counsel to Augustus, near Porta Maggiore, Rome.
Urn inscriptions and reliefs from the columbarium tomb of the family of Lucius Arruntius, counsel to Augustus, near Porta Maggiore, Rome.
Interior of columbarium near Porta Maggiore, Rome.
Inscriptions and lamps from columbarium near Porta Maggiore, Rome.
Inscriptions and lamps from columbarium near Porta Maggiore, Rome.
Sarcophagi and reliefs from columbarium near Porta Maggiore, Rome.
Title page of the third volume.
View of the mausoleum of the family of Plautus Lucanus.
Urn inscriptions from crematorium and columbarium of the Augustan era on the Appian Way, Rome.
Urn inscriptions from crematorium and columbarium of the Augustan era on the Appian Way, Rome.
View of crematorium and columbarium of the Augustan era on the Appian Way, Rome (imaginary depiction).
One of the two pedestals at the entrance to the Capitoline citadel, Rome.
View of the mausoleum of Caecilia Metella on the Appian Way, Rome.
Remains of the Roman pavement on Tiber island, where the temple of Aesculapius stood.