Philopappos Hill / Mouseion Hill (24 Subjects)
The Acropolis, the Temple of Olympian Zeus and the hill of the Nymphs (Philopappos hill) from the east.
Philopappos Hill and Pnyx Hill.
Drawing: Philopappos Hill and Pnyx Hill.
Odeon of Herodes Atticus.
Monument of Philopappus.
The walls of Conon.
Lamp that represents a negro with the flat Aethiopian features, sleeping, and the skin of an animal tied around his shoulders.
View of the Odeon of Herodes Atticus, Athens. The horses of the military commander of Athens grazing at the site of the scene.
Athens, from the hill of Philopappus (Mouseion).
Topographic map of Athens.
View of Athens from Philopappus Hill.
The temple of Athena Nike at the Acropolis of Athens. In the background, Philopappus monument on Mouseion Hill, Aegina island and the mountains of Argolis.
Landscape at Ilissus river. In the background, the Acropolis, the temple of Olympian Zeus, Philopappus monument on Mouseion Hill, the Royal Palace (today Parliament of Greece), and the neighbourhoods of Ambelokipoi and Korydallos.
Panoramic view of Athens from Areopagus. On the left, the temple of Hephaestus. On the right, the monument of Philopappus.
The temple of Olympian Zeus, the Arch of Hadrian anf the Acropolis. In the background, Philopappus Hill and monument. In the foreground, the spring of Callirrhoe on Ilissus river. Painting by Harry Johnson.
View of Acropolis from Pnyx Hill, 1863.
Athens seen from the Rizarios Ecclesiastical school at Kolonaki quarter. From left to right: Temple of Olympian Zeus, Acropolis, the Observatory on Nymphs hill and the Royal Palace (today Parliament of Greece).
The monument of Philopappus at Athens.
The Odeon of Herodes Atticus, the Acropolis and Lycabettus hill, seen from Philopappos hill.
View of the Acropolis from “Socrates's prison” on Philopappos hill. In the foreground, the Odeon of Herodes Atticus.
Athens seen from Kolonaki quarter. In the foreground, the Royal Palace (today Parliament of Greece). In the background, the Acropolis and Philopappus monument.
The temple of Hephaestus from Philopappos hill. September-October 1810.
The Odeon of Herodes Atticus and the Acropolis from Philopappos Hill. September-October 1810.
The Arch of Hadrian and the temple of Olympian Zeus seen from Philopappos Hill. On the left, the Acropolis of Athens. September-October 1810.