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Shah (7 Subjects)

Portrait of Nadir-Schah of Persia (1698 -1747).


Portrait of Shah Mohammad Ali Han of Persia (1760-1779).


1. Ruby bought by the uncle of the King of the Mongols in India for 90.000 rupees. The ruby was presented to the king on its birthday. 3,4. Rubies belonging to the king of Visapur, India. 5. Ruby belonging to affluent merchant from Varanasi, India. 6. Topaz belonging to the Mongol king of India.


1. Pearl belonging to the king of Persia. According to the author the pearl was bought from an Arab merchant of Katifa in 1633 for 32.000 toman. 2. Pearl belonging to the Mongol king of India. 3. Pearl sold by the author to the governor of Bengal, uncle of the Mongol king of India. 4. Pearls belonging to the Mongol king of India.


The seal of Shah Ismail I of Persia, with an interpretation of the symbols by the author.


The tugra (signature) of the Shah of Persia, with interpretation of the symbols by the author.


A prisoner is executed by torture on the orders of Shah Abbas in Persia. On the right, a Portuguese merchant turns his head away from the horrendous sight.
