Tatars (32 Subjects)
Tatar, or government messenger.
Tatar, and members of the Lion of Chaeronea, by Louis Dupré.
Tatar from Crimea.
Noble Tatar man.
Noble Tatar woman.
Tatar woman.
Tatar soldier.
Costume of Prussian, Russian, Polish or Tatar merchant.
The Great Han of Crimean Tatars.
Tatar archer.
Tatars of Kirgisia. Kalmyk Tatar.
Tatars of Crimea.
Nomad merchants of Crimea.
The author meets inhabitants of Taganrog in Russia.
Tatar man from Crimea.
A Tatar. Excerpt from “The Giaour” by Lord Byron.
The temple of Apollo Epicurius at Bassae. On the left, the Turkish and the Tatar attendants of Edward Dodwell.
Tatar woman from Istanbul.
View of Kauschani (today Cǎuşeni, home to Tatars descended from Crimaea, in Moldavia.
Tatar settlement at the Moldavian coast on the Black Sea.
View of the Chan's Palace at Bahçesaray.
Funerary monuments, possibly of the Great Chans of the Tatars, seen by the author at the surroundings of Bahçesaray.
View of the town of Theodosia (called Kefe in the Tatar era) from the Genoese castle of Crimaea.
Crimean Tatar in traditional costume.
Tatar of Astrakhan area (Nagoy tribe) travels in traditional vehicle.
Post office at southern Kuban, area inhabited by Tatar tribes, Russia.
Observatory from which the Tatars of Kuban watched the movements of their Kirkassian neighbours. According to the author, in summer a fire was lit in these nests to keep the mosquitoes away.
View of the palace of the Khans of Crimea at Bahçesaray, Crimea.