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Golden Gate – Gate of Axios (Thessaloniki) (5 Subjects)

Golden Gate or Axios (Vardar) Gate in Thessaloniki. From:  E. M. Cousinéry, Voyage dans la Macédoine, Paris, 1831. 


Golden Gate or Axios (Vardar) Gate in Thessaloniki. Based on the drawing by E. M. Cousinéry in Voyage dans la Macédoine, Paris, 1831. 


Golden Gate or Axios (Vardar) Gate in Thessaloniki. Ancient coin from Amphipolis. From edition of the mid-19th century.


Arch from the archaeological site of Philippoi and details of the monument. Golden Gate in Thessaloniki and  details of the monument. From: Héctor d'Espouy, Fragments d’architecture antique..., Paris, 1897-1925. 


Inscription from the Golden Gate or Axios (Vardar) Gate in Thessaloniki.
