Αndré Suarès (1868-1948) was born in Marseilles. A prolific writer, critic and poet, he was acquainted with the most influential French intellectuals of the early twentieth century and together with André Gide and Paul Valéry co-founded the "Nouvelle Revue Française".
Suarès wrote about eighty works (philosophical texts, essays, poems, biographies, plays, etc.) and thirty more of his texts were published posthumously. He travelled to almost the whole of Italy. In his text "Occident" (1915) he refers to the political issues faced by contemporary Greece. "Temples Grecs Maisons des Dieux", an impressive album with fourteen etchings of Greek temples - mainly in Sicily and South Italy (Acragas, Selinus, Segesta, Posidonia) – projected against a blank background, was published in a numbered edition.
Written by Ioli Vingopoulou