[DALVIMART, Octavien]. The Costume of Turkey, Illustrated by a Series of Engravings; with Description in English and French, London, Howlett and Brimmer for William Miller, MDCCCIV [=1804].
Little is known about Octavien Dalvimart, besides the facts that he worked in Britain as painter and engraver, and that he was living in Paris in 1803.
According to the prologue to this edition, he travelled during four years (starting in 1796), always drew from nature, and was in Athens in 1797. This elegant work was first published in 1802, and again in 1818 and 1820. It includes sixty drawings of human types from the Ottoman empire. The explanatory texts, in English and French, are based on extracts from works by B. De Tott, J. Dallaway, G.A. Olivier, M. Montague, J. Pitton de Tournefort, Μ. d’Ohsson and others.
Dalvimart's drawings have been used in similar albums and illustrated other travel accounts. Human types are precisely drawn and handsomely depicted in very real colours.
Written by Ioli Vingopoulou
Subjects (61)
The Head of the Ulemas (scholars of Islamic Law and other disciplines).
Turban bearer - Official responsible for the guarding of the Sultan's turbans.
Reis Efendi, higher administrative official of the Ottoman State.
Higher-ranking Ottoman administrative official, member of the Divan (high governmental body).
Stool bearer to the Sultan (in charge of guarding and carrying the Sutlan's riding stool).