CLARKE, Edward Daniel
Edward Daniel Clarke (1769-1822) was son of a writer and grandson of an archaeologist. He specialized in mineralogy and became a Doctor of the University of Cambridge. In 1799, at the age of thirty, as companion to aristocrat J.M.Cripps, he travelled throughout most of Europe. He toured Scandinavia and reached Moscow, as well as the Ottoman Empire, Constantinople, the Troad, Cyprus, the Holy Land, Egypt, the Cyclades, Central Greece and the Balkan Peninsula. He returned to London in 1804 and was later ordained as an Anglican priest. Tireless and observant, shrewd and insightful, Clarke witnessed many important events of his time, which he mentions in his chronicle. The first edition of his account was published in six volumes between 1810 and 1823, and included one hundred and eighty-five plates.
The introduction to the first volume is dedicated to the geography of the Holy Land and the value of Turkish coins. The first chapters describe Constantinople: the palace, the harem, the sultan’s triumphal processions, the bazaar and the Byzantine hippodrome. From the Hellespont, Clarke reached the Troad. He narrates his antiquarian explorations in the region in detail. He then sailed to Rhodes, describing Tenedos, Lesbos, Chios, Cos and Cnidus. He reached Macre in Lycia, and from there travelled to Egypt and Cyprus, which he also describes, followed by a thorough tour of the Holy Land. The Appendix includes, among other data, documents on the fall of Selim III in 1807, a list of about six hundred and fifty Ottoman and Arab manuscripts (on theology, metaphysics, logic, history, poetry, literature, dream interpretation, geography, astronomy, etc.), a catalogue of one hundred and seventy-two tales from the "Arabian Nights", temperature tables and Clarke’s itinerary laid out in detail, with all the distances in caravan travelling hours.
Part of the second, the third and the fourth volumes narrate Clarke’s journey into Greek territories. After leaving Alexandria, their ship sailed first to Cos and then dropped anchor at Patmos. Clarke is responsible for despoiling the library of the monastery of St John on that island. After visiting Naxos, Paros, Syros, Sounion and Vari, he “beheld, with great transports of joy” Athens and the Acropolis monuments at sunset, waxing lyrical on the whiteness of the Parthenon visible on the horizon. Especially memorable are Clarke’s pages on Lusieri’s pillaging of the Acropolis monuments on behalf of Lord Elgin. Clarke met Lusieri in the Erechtheion, while the latter was “working” there and the Italian artist pointed out that the Caryatids were in excellent condition. In his text, Clarke makes scathing comments on the “work” being carried out by Europeans on the ancient monuments, as well as their negligence which caused irrevocable damage. Subsequently Clarke toured the Peloponnese (Epidaurus, Nauplion, Argos, Mycenae, Nemea) and returned to Athens. At Eleusis, he pursued and achieved the removal of one of the two colossal Pentelic marble Caryatids, from the Lesser Propylaea of the Sanctuary of Demeter. The statue is presently in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge. On leaving Greece, Clarke and Cripp transported 76 and 80 cases respectively, containing their collections of marbles, manuscripts, coins and minerals. Nevertheless, Clarke’s observations on the occupations, customs, and everyday life of the Greeks remain invaluable to historical research.
The Appendix to the second volume includes, aside from temperature tables and extracts from other travellers’ handwritten notes, a table of all the locations Clarke visited himself, as well as the "Κατάλογος των βιβλίων ελληνικών τε και κοινών της τυπογραφίας του Πάνου Θεοδοσίου του εξ Ιωαννίνων" [List of books printed in classical and modern Greek from the print-shop of Panos Theodosiou from Ioannina], printed in Venice
Written by Ioli Vingopoulou
CLARKE, Edward Daniel - Dardanelles / Çanakkale boğazı / anc. Hellespont
CLARKE, Edward Daniel - Rest Images
Entrance to Khalig canal, possibly Trajan river in antiquity.
The Straits of Samos for the South East looking towards the North West.
Remains of the Thermae of Herodes Atticus in Alexandria Troas (today Eski Stambul).
Remains of an building in the ancient city Skepsis (today Kurşunlutepe) in Asia Minor.
Survey of the country between Aboukir & Alexandria in Egypt.
The order of the British corps at Abu Qir, when they took it over from the French (8 March 1801).
Signets bearing letters of the Phoenician alphabet from Larnaca region.
Inscription in Phoenician on signet found at Larnaca region.
Bethlehem to the N.E. with the monastery containing the cave of Nativity to the left.
Plan of the portals of the Theatre at Telmessus (today Fethiye).
Principal portal of the Theatre at Telmessus (today Fethiye).
Remains of the Theatre at Telmessus (today Fethiye) with one of the smaller portals upon the left.
Topographic survey of the ruins of Cnidus showing the isthmus and the two harbours.
Grotto at Nazareth said to have been the House of Joseph and Mary.
Holy Sepulchre as it existed prior to its reparation A.D. 1555.
Entrance to the Bay of Marmorice [Marmaris] bearing North, with the Coast of Caria, opposite Rhodes.
Vaulted building at Alexandria Troas (today Eski Stambul) in Asia Minor.
Source of the Scamander (today Karamenderes river) in Mount Ida, in the Troad.
Hieroglyphic tablet, as it was found at Saccara, closing the mouth of one of the Mummy Pits.
Amorgos, Samos, Fournoi, Icaria, and the strait between Andros and Tinos.
Portara (Gate of the temple of Apollo) in Naxos. The city and port in the background.
Scarabean Gem, in the Author's Possession. Hermes and Charon leading a woman to Hades.
View of the Saronic Gulf from the Parthenon. The Acropolis of Corinth and Salamis in the distance.
Remains on the site of the temple of Apollo Meleas on Mount Cynortium.
Part of a terracotta cornice and frieze found in the Sanctuary of Asclepius in Epidaurus.
Clay vases (votive offerings) from ancient tombs in the Peloponnese.
Map of Greece and the Eastern Mediterranean, showing the itinerary of Edward Clarke.
The Hippodrome of Constantinople with the Obelisk of Theodosius I and Sultan Ahmed I Mosque.
The region around the ancient city Skepsis (today Kurşunlutepe) in Asia Minor.
Byzantine icon found among the ruins of Sepphoris or Diocaesarea (today Tzippori).
Window of typical Russian rural house. Warm stockings worn by the women of Valday province, Russia.
Portrait of the Archbishop of Moscow in vestments of the Resurrection ceremony.
Ivan the Great Bell Tower, next to the Assumption cathedral at Cathedral Square in Moscow.
Footwear common to several countries of the North, especially Scandinavia and Russia.
Women from Penza, whom the author encountered in the city of Voronezh, Russia.
Woman from Little Russia, a historical geographic region, today part of Ukraine.
Icons of Indian deities worshiped by the Kalmyk nomads of the Caucasus.
Snowflakes, which the author studied thoroughly during his journey from Saint Petersburg to Moscow.
View of Novocherkassk, capital of the Cossacks of Don river.
Cossacks of Novocherkassk enjoying their bath in the Don during the flood season.
Tatar of Astrakhan area (Nagoy tribe) travels in traditional vehicle.
Post office at southern Kuban, area inhabited by Tatar tribes, Russia.
View of the palace of the Khans of Crimea at Bahçesaray, Crimea.
Promontory near the monastery of Saint George at Chersonesus, Crimea.
Ruins of Greek Orthodox monastery at Chatyr-Dan mountain range near Simferopol, Crimea.
View of the interior chambers of the Genoese castle near Sebastopol, Crimea.
View of Cape Fiolent between Sebastopol and Balaklava, Crimea.
Tomb of British prison reformer John Howard at Kerch, Crimea.
View of the port of İğneada, north of Istanbul, at the Black Sea.
View of the plain of Marathon with the Tumulus of the Athenians.
Ancient votive offerings of terracotta and marble from Thebes.
Delphi, the highest summit of Mount Dirfi in Euboea, as seen from Mount Helicon.
Ancient inscription incorporated in the walls of Panagia Skripou church in Orchomenos.
Ancient inscription incorporated in the walls of Panagia Skripou church in Orchomenos.
View of Thermopylae from Mendenitsa. In the background, the Malian gulf.
Silver coins of ancient Locris (today part of Phthiotis district).
Map of Via Egnatia from Thessaloniki to ancient Epidamnus (today Dürrës, Albania).
Ancient oil lamp with symbols of god Hermes, from the area of Kavala.
The sea of Marmara seen from the window of author's inn at Tekirdag (Raidestos).
View of the interior of Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, from the entrance looking towards the altar.